be apprehended แปลว่า
- v. exp.
ถูกจับ [thūk jap]
- apprehended: adj. - โดนจับกุม [dōn jap khum] - ถูกจับ [thūk jap]
- apprehended: adj. - โดนจับกุม [dōn jap khum] - ถูกจับ [thūk jap]
Mutineers are to be apprehended without engaging.
One of our friends has been apprehended by the authorities.
Second suspect has been apprehended. I need 1522 to stand by for transport.
There was no evidence before Will was apprehended and there hasn't been any since.
That killer, Jack Lee Kemper, was apprehended, and he was recently executed.